Our Services
We provide a range of animal-assisted programmes and services for different target populations. We also offer customisable programmes, designed in collaboration with your team, to meet your specific needs or the needs of your beneficiaries.
Pawdiatric Partners
Through this programme, we strive to improve the mental and emotional well-being of both patients and caregivers by involving our special Caring Canines.
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Read with Rapha
Improving the reading and communication skills of children through canine-assisted reading.
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Take a Paws
Manage anxiety and stress in workplaces, schools, universities and more.
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Sunshine canines
Bringing our canine teams to hospitals, senior day care centres, facilities, or nursing homes.
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Teaching children about dog bite prevention, how to be safe around unfamiliar dogs, and how to be kind and respectful towards animals and people
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Dogtors on Call
bringing our caring canine dogtors to healthcare settings to improve the mental and emotional well-being of our healthcare workers, patients and caregivers
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Wooffice Wellness
Take a break from the usual lunch talks and workshops and instead spend quality time with our wonderful canine friends. Our well-trained Caring Canines are here to provide comfort and joy, and participants can freely interact with them in various ways.
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Puppy Prep Course (With Puppy Colours Academy)
For aspiring Caring Canine Teams! This course is designed for pup owners looking to involve their puppy or adolescent dog in programmes by aaisg!
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Customisable Programmes

aaisg has the skills and expertise to customise a programme to meet your needs, or the needs of your beneficiaires. In designing a programme, we will advise, and work with you to identify:

  • Your target beneficiaries
  • The objectives of the programme e.g. Increase executive function, decrease in stress, improvement in mental wellbeing
  • A suitable location for the programme
  • Activities to meet the objectives
  • Indicators and tools to measure the outcome of the programme 
  • Handlers and dogs suitable for the programme 

In addition, aaisg will also provide advice on how to address common concerns such as health risks, religious concerns, allergies etc.